Monday, February 4, 2013

Week 4, EOC

Women in advertising today are used in a way to gain interest in the product but it is not always done in the best content. The ad to the right, as one can see is Dolce & Gabbana, a prestigious designer. Yet I feel they are using the women in a sexual way. I cannot help but wonder are they trying to gain a new market. It looks as if they are targeting gay women. When observing this advertisement I wonder why is there a woman in a wheel barrel, what are two women in the back suppose to be doing, and who is or what is the lady on the far right looking at? Maybe they want to get a mans attention by using a provocative ad to buy the clothing for the women in their life. The ad should have focused on the clothes, yet one can't help but wonder what is going on. No when you look at the next ad, lets be honest the first thing that comes to mind is, what is the focus suppose to be? I am confused and disturbed, it looks as if a sexual
encounter is about to take place. One can obviously see the men are wearing denim but there is no focus on those garments. The woman's outfit is being blocked by the man on top of her. Her shoe are visible but Dolce & Gabbana are know more for their corsets. The target audience could be for women, If one buys a sexy corset, you will feel sexy and your man will adore you or simply want to take you once he see you in it. I am simply disappointed by this, they might want to reevaluate and go in a different direction with their advertisement.


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